I decided to start this site because when it came time for me personally to purchase a tablet, I really had no idea what to look for. I ended up buying a Netbook for $70, and was so impressed with it I still use it to this day.
The trouble was I looked at hundreds of tablets before I decided to buy one, simply because there wasn’t enough information, or help that I could understand in order to give me a fair choice. I had many people tell me “get this one” or “you should get one of these” but they couldn’t tell me why.
I wanted to build a site with lots of information, but written in a way that everyone can understand it, I mean, not everyone is buying there third or fourth laptop. In addition, some are buying for the first time, and don’t understand anything about them, or are not sure what they should even be looking for in a laptop or tablet.
Here you can also ask questions, and not be afraid that someone is going to call you stupid simply because you don’t know. Moreover, we’ve all been there, and many have settled for less, or paid more because they didn’t feel comfortable asking questions. If, you don’t want to ask in public you can send us an email and ask us and we will be more than happy to answer your questions too.
Really we want to be a family friendly site that gives you the exact information that you need in order to make a wise choice. We don’t want you to waste money buying the most expensive tablet just because someone seems to think it’s the best one out there. When we say the best laptop we don’t mean the most expensive, we mean the best laptop, or tablet for each individual, and for some that may be the cheapest, it all depends on what your individual needs are.
So, feel free to browse our site, ask questions, we will inform you and help you make the right choice. If, your buying for yourself or someone else, we can help. We look forward to helping you with your purchase, or just help you get the answers you’ve been looking for regarding laptops, and tablets, but were afraid to ask.